Hugo switch and plans for this blog

I have been exploring different static site generators to build my website for a while. The last iteration of this site on was developed on Jekyll where I was tried my hand on understanding the templating language with Jekyll. It was a nice experience where I tried adapting a customized variant of the Read-only theme that was developed by the folks at

While I was putting togeher the previous iteration of the site, I had checked out hugo. But the stumble upon was more with the curosity to understand the difference in the time to render the pages between Jekyll and Hugo. But the switch to Hugo is actually motivated by interest to start with Golang. This will be a story for another time, I shall write about how my learning journey goes.

Now, the choice for the theme or rather why I have refreshed the website.

The plan for this website is to become a blog which has a journal-like flavor. I will be writing about the notes and tricks I come across while at work or exploring a new language or framework. This is reflected in the homepage which draws inspiration from Nick(the creator of Node-RED)’s website -

The theme seems to welcome me write more because the homepage will be blank if I do not do so :) A nice motivation to start journalling?!

Looking forward to how this new experience of jounralling is going to be, excited!!

Until next time..